The five-part opener, “Awakening,” introduces us to our heroes, the premise, and the series’ two most prominent villains. So whether you’re settling in for a nice rewatch or experiencing the magic for the first time, here we go! As a die-hard fan myself, I would recommend mainlining the entire series, but if you’re pressed for time or not the most patient viewer (parts of the “world tour” can tire even the most devoted fans), here’s a handy guide to the episodes of Gargoyles you absolutely must not miss. While for years you had to either have a serious VHS collection of episodes taped off TV or catch the reruns on The Disney Channel, the full 65-episode run of Gargoyles is availble in three DVD sets as well as a variety of online resources, and will be available to stream on Disney+ once it’s up and running on Nov. Running for two seasons and a total of 65 episodes (No, we’re not counting The Goliath Chronicles, thank you), the series dealt with timely themes while stoking a love of noir, various world mythologies, and Shakespeare in the hearts of millions of kids who might have otherwise never given them the time of day. While ostensibly a cult classic, having never reached the mainstream popularity of contemporaries like the beloved ’90s X-Men cartoon and Batman: The Animated Series, it nonetheless left a mark on a generation with its intricate, sprawling mythology, complex characters, and smart writing. Disney’s Gargoylesis one of the seminal works of serialized American animation.