Criss-Cross Combo is significantly faster, so you’ll no longer be waiting for quite as long for the move to finish if you miss. If he makes contact on the second attempt, he will simply get off the motorcycle as if it were the ending phase of the Hyper like normal. If Sweet Tooth misses with the initial ram attempt at the start of the level 2 “Fear the Reaper” Hyper, he will now ride back in to make a second ram attempt before dismounting his motorcycle. The duration of the “Frozen” state for Player 2 after being hit by Sweet Tooth’s “Freeze Missile” has been reduced by 50 ticks. Press “y” instead of “x” like you would normally do when running.

Sweet Tooth can now perform “Dashing Grab” out of “Shield Dash.” This does leave you vulnerable though, so time it carefully. His guard counterattacks, “Cut it out!” and “This is my curse!” no longer kill. Sweet Tooth can now be knocked out of his grab attempt for the Level 2 “Taste the Tooth” Hyper. Miscellaneous tweaks to certain attacks and victory poses to make them feel a bit more complete. Dancing Taunt has had adjustments to movement timing. The laugh SFX for when you KO the enemy has simply been replaced with a higher quality version from the Head-On sound folder. The red background for the finishing move of “A butcher like me…” now flashes white and red, and both Sweet Tooth and his victim no longer turn black (there wasn’t a good way to implement it, so this effect is gone). There are also new explosion sounds for things such as the explosive ice cream cone, a new Fire Missile launch sound, and a new Laughing Ghost sound for the “Taste the Tooth” Hyper (thanks, Coleiosis!). Dark Tooth mode now features different sound effects for the Dark Tooth truck, taken straight from Twisted Metal: Head-On. You will then see some code, with the shorter line of numbers translating to “I do not think this is real,” and the longer set of numbers saying “In the real world, my name is Marcus Kane.” After the text fades, Sweet Tooth (or rather, Needles Kane) will regain control again and open his eye. A third “match won” win pose! Sweet Tooth will suddenly have a brief mental breakdown, with his other personality, Marcus Kane, trying to fight for control. The special attack “Scalp Flamethrower” has been replaced with “Hellfire Breath,” a move much like the one he has in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. Crouching Machete Poke is now a knife slash. Special move “Go for a spin!” now has a finishing move.

Faster, more intense, and downright brutal. Level 3 Hyper “A butcher like me…” has been COMPLETELY redone.